LGBTQ+ Parenting Resources

LGBTQ+ Parenting Resources

22 June 2022 • Words by Karla Pretorius 2 mins

Although there has been a global shift in understanding and accepting differences in people and beliefs, some stigma still exists. As the famous Nelson Mandela once said, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” Keeping this in mind, let’s look at some available resources for LGBTQ+ parents or parents of LGBTQ+ children.

LGBTQ+ Parenting Resources

The Human Rights Campaign

The Human Rights Campaign, whose slogan is “All children, all families,” has some excellent resources that parents can utilize for their gay or gender non-conforming children. Click here to access a guide that includes a glossary of relevant terms to understand gender expansive identities better. The guide also provides advice for parents to navigate common situations and a book list for parents, caregivers, and youth.

The Human Rights Campaign has also released a comprehensive list of resources ranging from support and best practices for professionals to free online educational resources and monthly newsletters. Click here to read more.

The Family Acceptance Project

The Family Acceptance Project offers free posters with information about what helps and hurts the LGBTQ+ community. This excellent project is educating parents, professionals, and youth about the importance of understanding, accepting, and celebrating diversity. Click here to gain access to these free posters. 

American Civil Liberties Union

Per their website, the American Civil Liberties Union “works in courts, legislatures, and communities to defend and preserve the individual rights and liberties that the Constitution and the laws of the United States guarantee everyone in this country.” Click here to read more about the latest news and resources they provide parents and youth. 

Family Equality

You can also read helpful blogs from Family Equality and receive updated information on how to support your child better should they come out to you as gay or gender non-conforming. Click here to read some of these blogs that could help with what to do and say and what not to when supporting your child. 

According to Gonzalez et al. (2013), there are multiple benefits to being the parent of an LGBTQ+ child. These benefits include increased personal growth, positive emotions, activism, social connectedness, and a closer relationship with your child. There will be some adjustments with friends and family members, including educating here and there. You are a team with your child, though. You are both doing a wonderful job celebrating your true, authentic selves.

To discover more about the LGBTQ+ community and Pride Month, click here!

Karla Pretorius

A registered counselor with a MA in Psychology. Co-founder: AIMS Global & Leadership at: Augmental