Learn-by-Teaching Strategy – The Protege Effect
The learn-by-teaching strategy, or the protege effect, has been studied and found to be highly effective in helping students recall and disseminate what they have learned. When kids teach others what they’ve learned, it helps to build communication skills, leadership skills, and overall confidence. Whether it’s a game, hobby, math strategy, or calming-down skill, teaching others boosts academic and social-emotional learning.
For example, in our Breathing with Pipsi activity, kids listen as Pipsi, the calmest and most relaxed Moshling, teaches Gumdrop all about breathing as a strategy. During the activity, kids are creating a script and acting out their learning by using lovable characters. They are pulling from their own experience, such as what to do with your body, how it feels, and when to use deep breathing. A bonus outcome is that the learn-by-teaching strategy creates a positive community of learners who are invested in each other and feel a sense of significance and belonging.
As you introduce more strategies to kids through Moshi, offer them opportunities to teach their learning to others.
- Pair upper elementary students with lower school students for Moshi Meet-Ups, where they can teach how to use deep breathing to feel calm and relaxed.
- Invite a guest teacher from another classroom to come learn from your class. Have the kids brainstorm the Moshi strategies they will teach (breathing, body scanning, visualization)
- Have students write or draw the steps to a favorite Moshi strategy to make a How To book for the class and/or to bring home to teach family members.
A 1st & 2nd grade combined class in France listens to Breathing with Pipsi most days to help kids transition from a high-energy activity to a more focused academic time. Here is what they have to say:
“We had fun today talking about Pipsi and acting out tiny scenes before they wrote a small dialogue between Pipsi and Gumdrop as suggested in the activity. First, we found situations when our heartbeat is fast and why it prevents us from being concentrated and focused. They said all kinds of things (sometimes not school-related) like, I’m scared of my grandfather’s dog, I’m scared of the dark, I spend my recess running, I’m stressed, etc. Then they went off with a partner to rehearse a scene in which Gumdrop was going through a hard time and Pipsi would say “Do like me, breathe in and out”.”
Download our free Breathing With Pipsi Conversation and Activity Guide!