Why Tapping is an Effective Strategy for Reducing Stress

Why Tapping is an Effective Strategy for Reducing Stress

9 March 2022 • Words by Allison Henry 2 mins

Tapping is a specific routine that involves positive affirmations and particular movements. You may have heard of tapping as a therapeutic treatment for depression, anxiety, reducing stress, and other mental health issues. Moshi has developed a simple tapping routine that combines the science behind the strategy with positive thinking. 

Tapping is categorized as an EFT, or Emotional Freedom Technique, and has been the subject of numerous studies. Findings from one recent study show how tapping is proven to be an effective way to regulate emotions. 

An improvement was found in 90% of patients who received acupoint tapping therapy compared to 63% of the CBT [cognitive behavioral therapy] participants. Only 3 acupoint tapping sessions were needed before an individual’s anxiety was reduced.

– “Clinical EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) Improves Multiple Physiological Markers of Health,” Journal of Evidence-Based Integrative Medicine, 2019

The analysis of this technique has shown that tapping causes specific responses in the body. When you tap on specific areas of the body, a few things happen: the stress responses in the body start to decrease, the heart rate becomes slower and more steady, and emotional regulation is more easily achieved. In short, tapping on specific areas with targeted statements focusing on well-being can help to reduce stress and calm the body. The statements you include help your mind to focus, and when your mind is calm it is more receptive to these self-affirming actions and statements. 

How to Teach Tapping Meditations to Kids

When you teach a tapping routine, you give children the chance to connect their positive thinking and self-affirmations with physical movement and sensation. Learning the routine, and even teaching it to others, gives children agency over their own emotions. As they see that tapping actually helps them to feel calmer, they may be more likely to repeat the short routine. 

You can approach tapping with children-friendly language, such as “Remind your body how to feel good and calm down” or “Take a moment to get in touch with your body and your feelings.” Moshi’s track Tapping Worries Away with ShiShi was developed with the science of tapping in mind. Playing this fun track and completing the included conversation guide is a great way to introduce anyone to this easy and effective method of regulating emotions. 

As children learn the tapping routine, don’t forget to take part in this beneficial process yourself. Tapping can provide relief and relaxation to people who work in high-stress environments, and both teaching and parenting definitely fit into that category. The study mentioned above included a section where teachers who were at risk for burnout were taught a tapping routine, and the same results were found: tapping helped this group to calm their bodies and made their stress responses more manageable. 

Another benefit to learning this routine alongside children is that you are able to use your own experience to connect with them during this new strategy. And when your personal energy feels quieter and less stressed, those around you will likely begin to feel calmer, too.

Allison Henry