Favorite Moshi Tracks at Your Fingertips
We know that kids like what they like and when they love a Moshi track, they ask for it over and over again. Our Moshi for Schools web player is now updated to include a way to flag your favorite tracks and see them in one place. Favorites can include moments, music, sounds, stories, breathing, and meditations. Ask your class today what their favorite Moshi tracks are (could even do a nice tie-in to math – collecting data, graphing, and analyzing results).
Log-in to the Moshi for Schools web player

Open any of the Moshi tracks and click the heart under the track description. When it turns red, you know it’s been added to your favorites list. You can favorite as many tracks as you’d like.

On the main web player screen, click in the top drop-down menu and choose Favorites.

See all of your class’s favorite Moshi tracks in one easy-to-access list!

For more information about Moshi for Schools, visit our website. Check out our SEL-aligned lessons and activities.