- 3 mins
5 Top Back to School Tips For Parents
As we cruise at increasing speed past summer’s midpoint, we may find ourselves overcome with bouts of sadness and anxiety when thinking about how autumn is fast approaching. While this is perfectly normal, there are a few tips to help overcome end-of-summer blues.
Psychologist Paul Ekman’s widely accepted theory suggests that we humans experience six basic emotions: happiness, sadness, fear, disgust, anger, and surprise. Western society generally focuses most on happiness, yet all other emotions have a purpose and enrich our life experiences. Sadness is no exception. Acknowledge your feelings and teach your children to do the same. Be sure to talk about these big feelings with them and let them know they’re normal to have.
In the northern hemisphere, we are still in the middle of summer. The days are warm and long, and they are set to remain this way well into September. There is plenty of time to tick off some of the activities you may have on your summer bucket list.
Take a moment to reflect on your most recent experiences, and share them with your loved ones. Perhaps select a few photos and have an old-fashioned slide show. This may inspire you with some ideas for the remainder of the summer.
Autumn is an eventful season, with school, a half term for the UK, Thanksgiving, and Halloween. Nature changing into its comfier “clothes,” green turning into red, orange, and brown. Movie nights spent wrapped up cozily on a couch. What’s not to like?
My kids enjoy meditating, and Moshi’s Meditations work like a charm for them. They meditate faithfully every morning and every night! As a result, they are calmer, more focused, and more mindful. The meditations on the Moshi app are bite-sized and unpretentious, making them perfect for anyone who may want to establish a meditation practice – even adults!