How to Recharge and Endure as a Parent

How to Recharge and Endure as a Parent

15 June 2022 • Words by Stefano Ceppi 3 mins

Without a doubt, being a parent can be both challenging and exhausting for the body and mind. The feeling of reward often allows us to overlook how challenged we might be feeling; nevertheless, we should acknowledge that parental burnout exists. As shown in this large 2021 study by Roskam et al., it can affect up to 8% of parents in the US.

This test can help you assess if you are affected by parental burnout (P.B.). P.B. does not just suddenly happen. Days, weeks, or even months of neglect of one’s mental health can have adverse effects on our well-being.

5 Ways for Parents to Recharge and Endure


It is incredible what sitting and breathing can help us achieve. Should you not have a meditation practice, an app can help you establish one. My partner, who is in her thirties, uses Moshi, and numerous other apps exist, such as Calm. Despite having qualified as a certified yoga instructor, I was never too fond of meditation, but my therapist suggested I give it a try. What worked for me was the Kirtan Krya. Despite finding it odd initially, this method helped me establish a meditation practice. There are different ways to meditate, so there’s bound to be one that suits you. Give it a try. Your mind will thank you.

Foster self-sufficiency in your children

Mornings used to be hectic, but my kids learned to prepare their breakfast. Only parents and caregivers know how much time is saved when children become independent. Kids can help keep their room and the rest of the home clean and tidy. I urge you to start early.

Get help

Ask for help from your family, your friends, or your trusted babysitter. Creating breathing room can feel impossible at times. When you are feeling overwhelmed, it may be a good idea to call in reinforcements, whether it’s to help you clean the house or care for the children so that you may have some personal time.

Date night

Personal time is essential, but stoking the fire of love is equally important for parents. Your partner is not only your lover, but they are also your best friend. Check in with each other, grab some dinner or go for a romantic walk. Date night will help you reconnect with your partner/spouse, creating more harmony at home, which is also beneficial for the children.

Take a stroll in memory lane

Time moves forward, but we may not notice when in the thick of parenting. It helps to look at old photos to see how fast your kids are growing and how happy you and your partner are together. Listening to the music you listened to at a particular moment in your life can unlock memories that were tucked away. Look back, and you will realize how far you’ve come.

Remember that everything is temporary. Children will grow up, and eventually, they will fly the nest. Make every moment count.

Roskam I, Aguiar J, Akgun E, Arikan G, Artavia M, Avalosse H, Aunola K, Bader M, Bahati C, Barham EJ, Besson E, Beyers W, Boujut E, Brianda ME, Brytek-Matera A, Carbonneau N, César F, Chen BB, Dorard G, Dos Santos Elias LC, Dunsmuir S, Egorova N, Favez N, Fontaine AM, Foran H, Fricke J, Furutani K, Gallée L, Gannagé M, Gaspar M, Godbout L, Goldenberg A, Gross JJ, Gurza MA, Hall R, Hashmi MA, Hatta O, Helmy M, Hoang TV, Huynh MT, Kaneza E, Kawamoto T, Knezevic G, Kpassagou BL, Lazarevic LB, Le Vigouroux S, Lebert-Charron A, Leme V, Lin GX, MacCann C, Manrique-Millones D, Matias M, Miranda-Orrego MI, Miscioscia M, Morgades-Bamba C, Mousavi SF, Moutassem-Mimouni B, Muntean A, Murphy H, Ndayizigiye A, Tenkue JN, Olderbak S, Ornawka S, Osman F, Oyarce-Cadiz D, Pérez-Díaz PA, Petrides KV, Pineda-Marin C, Prandstetter K, Prikhidko A, Ricci RT, Salinas-Quiroz F, Sánchez-Rodríguez R, Sarrionandia A, Scola C, Sezibera V, Silva P, Simonelli A, Soenens B, Sorbring E, Sorkkila M, Schrooyen C, Stănculescu E, Starchenkova E, Szczygiel D, Tapia J, Tri TMT, Tremblay M, Ustundag-Budak AM, Pacheco MV, van Bakel H, Verhofstadt L, Wendland J, Yotanyamaneewong S, Mikolajczak M. Parental Burnout Around the Globe: A 42-Country Study. Affective Science 2021 Mar 18:1-22. doi: 10.1007/s42761-020-00028-4.

Stefano Ceppi

Neurodivergent father of two, and here to share what I've learned thus far! Qualified 200h RYT, AIMS Global Level 1 Mentor.