LOVE: An Approach to Working with Families

LOVE: An Approach to Working with Families

31 January 2022 • Words by Allison Henry 2 mins

February includes Valentine’s Day, which is the day we proclaim our love, platonic or romantic, to the special people in our lives. But as educators, we know that showing love to our students is an important part of our work every day. Love is shown through a smile as we greet them in the morning, playing their favorite activity at the exact moment they need it, and anticipating their needs so that they feel safe and taken care of. We also know that love exists to keep us showing up every day and giving all of our emotional, physical, and mental energy so that this generation of kids has the best start in life. 

Love is also a common thread that runs between home and school. Love is a great way to connect with families, with children being the central focal point. When educators and parents come together to really appreciate and understand each other and the children, relationships grow stronger. These relationships are powerful levers in supporting children in their social, emotional, and academic development. 

Use this LOVE framework to reinforce that children are loved and that you value the school and home partnership”

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Learn what families love about their children. Invite families to fill out this template, naming the things they most love about their children, and send it back to school.

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Open the door to your heart. What do you love about their children? Choose one student per week to send home a “love note” to. Use this free template.

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Verbalize what you notice kids are doing well in the classroom, by saying things like “I notice that you helped your friend when she was feeling upset. That shows that you really care about her.”

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Encourage kids to share about their families. On a regular basis, invite students to tell, draw, or write about what they love about their families (give some guidance on an expanded definition of families, anyone who is a caregiver for them).

We hope you give and receive love all month long and beyond! Teachers, you deserve all the love this world has to offer. 💜

Allison Henry