Teaching Kids Self-Affirmations

Teaching Kids Self-Affirmations

2 May 2022 • Words by Allison Henry 2 mins

Positive thinking is a main pillar of self-regulation. It can be taught by inviting kids to be mindful of and connect with what makes them feel positive. These touchstones of positivity can become the basis for a daily habit of self-affirmation that helps kids overcome challenges and decrease negative thinking.  

It’s Okay to Feel Good

Moshi helps kids and adults alike realize that it’s okay to feel good about themselves. Children are often told not to boast about their achievements and abilities. The healthy celebration of personal victories actually helps kids develop self-awareness and self-acceptance, though. Moshi supports kids in developing these positive attitudes by giving them methods and outlets for feeling good about what they have done and can do. 

Self-affirmations are individual to each person based on what motivates and inspires them. What motivates each child will be individual based on their experiences. A learner who makes major academic gains over time is still making progress even though their final score may not be what others have achieved. A child who struggles with keeping calm when a situation with peers triggers an emotional response may measure success by how they are able to react differently to a difficult situation. Another child may not struggle with this issue at all but may have challenges staying on task. What is a challenge for some may come easier to others, but the success they feel can be focused on their tailored needs. 

Here are some strategies that can help with teaching self-affirmations to kids: 

Self-Affirming Questioning Strategies

Use open-ended questioning prompts, such as: What was good about your day? Why did you enjoy doing that activity? What did you learn today? Was there anything difficult or easy about your day? What did you do to overcome challenges? These types of questions draw responses from kids that promote self-affirmation. They help them make the connection with what they experience and how they feel. 

Affirming Progress over Product

Use language that notices the effort and progress of children when working on an assignment or project. When discussing a project, avoid statements that label the piece as “good” or “finished.” Focus on noticing things like the use of materials, quality and clarity of information and perseverance in working on a challenging topic. Model affirming language for kids, such as “You seem really happy that you worked so hard on this project.”

Using the Confidence Cards

The Little Feel Goods with Peeps lesson provides a framework to explore what makes each kid feel good, and what motivates them to keep working on challenges. The Confidence Cards activity invites students to first listen to what motivates Peeps the Moshling, then connect with their own positive affirmations that are meaningful to them. The cards can serve as a quick reminder about what makes each person special and can help lift a mood or provide motivation. Enjoy helping kids connect with what makes them feel good! Try a few Confidence Cards for yourself to bring a boost of energy that you can share with your kids. 

Allison Henry