Meet Kimber & Leo
Please tell us a bit about you and your family:
I’m a single mother to a 7-year-old boy. We live in Franklin, TX. I work full-time as a mental health professional.
What first made you search for an app to help with your situation?
My son really likes being read to and there have been some nights that reading before bedtime made it challenging to get things done around the house, finish my homework for college courses, and get a good night’s rest.
Did you try any other ways to help with your situation?
I tried many other apps with music and sounds but nothing worked.
How did you feel the moment Moshi worked for you?
The moment I realized Moshi worked, was when I told him one night it was time for bed but I had his iPad at the repair shop. He came to me and said he couldn’t fall asleep because he didn’t have Moshi. So I lay next to him and had it playing on my phone. He was out before SleepyPaws was halfway through. Now, I start Moshi, and everyone heads to bed and “settles down.” He gets an average of 10 hours of sleep and if he ever wakes up in the middle of the night, he turns his Moshi on himself.
What feature do you find the most helpful on the Moshi app?
The stories are the best part, although while we went camping I played the sounds most of the night to help ME sleep.
If you were asked to recommend Moshi, what would you say?
I recommend it to everyone I know. I’ve even paid for a year for someone else to enjoy.
What would be the one word you’d use to describe Moshi?
Do you have any tips for other families using the app?
Start it up as soon as they crawl into bed. Let the words and the beginning of the stories engage them. I don’t even say bedtime anymore, I say, “It’s time for Moshi, Leo!”, and it gets turned on right away. No argument or complaint! The dogs all jump in and cuddle up to him too!