National Parent’s Day - 5 Ways to Celebrate YOU

National Parent’s Day – 5 Ways to Celebrate YOU

24 July 2022 • Words by Karla Pretorius 3 mins

National Parents’ Day is celebrated on the fourth Sunday of every July, and it’s a day to celebrate all of the parents out there who work so hard every day to raise their children. The day was first established in 1994 by President Bill Clinton, and it’s a day to show appreciation for the sacrifices caregivers make for their children. I have worked with hundreds of caregivers and parents, and the amount of selflessness I have experienced is remarkable.

They always place their children first. They’ll literally give them the food from their plate and the shirt on their back. Caregivers and parents will run into moving traffic to keep their children safe and celebrate every win, no matter how little sleep they have had. We all know that raising children is hard work. But sometimes, amid the day-to-day, it’s easy to forget to celebrate the small victories.

You deserve more than just one day of celebrating how awesome you are. But let’s start with this year’s dedicated National Parent’s Day. How can you create a day focused on your needs, wants, and interests? 

National Parent’s Day – 5 Ways to Celebrate YOU

 Make a list of your accomplishments

Whether it’s keeping the house clean, getting the kids to school on time, or just making it through the day without losing your cool, take a moment to write down your accomplishments. Seeing them in black and white will help you remember just how much you’ve achieved. I usually suggest an “affirmation book” to track what you could be proud of for completing. An important part of this is to read your previous entries every time you write something new in your journal. This way, you constantly remind yourself of everything you accomplish – big, small, and everything in between. 

Set aside time for you

It’s essential to set aside some time each day, even if it’s just a few minutes, to do something that you enjoy. Whether reading, taking a bath or going for a walk, schedule some “me” time. Moshi has some great tracks for kids, but its magical tales and music are great for relaxing adults, too! One of my favorite Moshling characters to have playing in the background is Ping the Paddleboarding Panda.

Take a break

According to Nomaguchi and Milkie (2020), poor parental well-being could have detrimental and significant implications for children’s developmental outcomes. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, take a break from parenting. Ask a friend or family member to watch the kids for an hour or two so you can have some time to yourself. The saying “it takes a village to raise a child” should be taken more literally at times. We need help, and we should not feel that we are anything “less than” a great parent if we utilize the support that is hopefully available.

Reward yourself

Whenever you reach a parenting milestone, big or small, treat yourself to something special. Buy yourself a new book, get a massage, or take a day trip. Whatever makes you happy, pat yourself on the back. Add these rewards to your affirmation diary to remind yourself that taking a break and rewarding yourself is needed and should be celebrated.

Connect with other parents

It can be helpful to talk to other parents about the challenges and successes of parenting. Join a parenting group or forum, or just chat with friends who are also parents. Knowing that you’re not alone in this journey can be a huge relief.

You are doing the most challenging job in the world, which is the most rewarding one too. Remind yourself to take these breaks and reward yourself for being such a fabulous parent. 

Nomaguchi K, Milkie MA. Parenthood and Well-Being: A Decade in Review. J Marriage Fam. 2020 Feb;82(1):198-223. DOI: 10.1111/jomf.12646. Epub 2020 Jan 5. PMID: 32606480; PMCID: PMC7326370.

Karla Pretorius

A registered counselor with a MA in Psychology. Co-founder: AIMS Global & Leadership at: Augmental