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How to Foster Empathy in Children
Having resilience, as part of our mental health, is a powerful tool when dealing with the stresses and strains of everyday life. Although some people seem more naturally resilient than others, we are not born with resilience. What can upset one person, may not phase another, but all stress is valid to the person who is suffering. (1) Some stresses, can be thought of as good stress and it can make us be more alert and focused. But we need to have the means to recognize stress, learn how to harness what is good and form strategies to help deal with the bad.
We always like to think of our children as being happy and carefree. As adults we want them to enjoy every moment of the innocence of their youth. And as parents and caregivers, we do our best to shield them and keep them from harm. But through our journey through life, life has a habit of throwing an unexpected curveball or two and sadly for some, major life-changing upheaval.
Mental ill-health is increasing. In July 2021, in the UK alone, as many as one in six children aged five to 16 were identified as having a probable mental health problem. This figure is an increase from one in nine children in 2017. (“Mental Health Statistics UK | Young People”) To go further, one-third of mental health problems in adulthood are directly connected to an adverse childhood experience (ACE). This includes a breakdown of the family unit by divorce or bereavement, bullying and abuse, trauma, etc. (4).
The Oxford dictionary defines resilience as ‘the ability of people or things to recover quickly after something unpleasant, such as shock, injury, etc.’ (2). When we think of wellbeing, it plays a fundamental part in both our physical and mental health and resilience plays a large part in looking after our wellbeing (3). By having resilience, we are better equipped to react and deal with difficulties.
Moshi has a range of content that helps children learn how to build their resilience. It’s been created specifically with children in mind. Therefore, it’s easy to understand and connect with through scenarios featuring the magical characters from the Moshi world.
Building resilience is getting to know why certain things make us feel the way we do. It can help us to bounce back. For a child, this is a foundation to work on that can be carried with them through life.
1 – “Teaching resilience skills can support teenager’s mental health – Place2Be.” Children’s Mental Health Week, 6 February 2020.
2 – “resilient adjective – Definition, pictures, pronunciation and usage notes | Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary at OxfordLearnersDictionaries.com.” Oxford Learner’s Dictionaries.
3 – O, Leyla, and Pragya Agarwal. “39 Resilience and Mental Health.” Diverse Minds, 26 May 2020.
4 – “Mental Health Statistics UK | Young People.” YoungMinds.