- 3 mins
Moshi Case Study: Social-Emotional Learning in the Classroom
Courtney Bischof
Kindergarten Teacher
Valley View Elementary Schools
Wadsworth City Schools, OH
Courtney Bischof teaches kindergarten at Valley View Elementary School in Wadsworth City Schools in Ohio, south of Cleveland. She teaches at one of the five K–4 elementary schools in the district. Also in the district is an intermediate school (5–6) and a middle school (7–8).
Courtney first started using Moshi at home with her three-year-old daughter to help her settle down at bedtime. She then realized Moshi would be a great asset to her, as a teacher, and to her kindergarten classroom. Courtney began using Moshi Music during times when kids are focused on work. She also plays the first half of a Moshi Story while they are working at centers or having snacks, which helps keep them calm and piques their interest, and then plays the second half of the story at the end of the day. This gives students something to look forward to and has decreased the chaos of the end-of-the-day transition.
Courtney uses the shorter Moshi Moments as breaks after specials, especially physical education. She likes them because they are easy and quick and the kids love the characters. These Moshi Moments help her kindergarten class reset and get ready for the upcoming learning.
Overall, Courtney appreciates how flexible and adaptable Moshi is. There are so many ways that Moshi can be integrated into the classroom as an SEL and mindfulness solution to help kids with self-regulation.
Hear from more educators about their experiences using Moshi:
Moshi for Educators: Case Study with Mrs. P, a 2nd Grade Teacher